Asbestos removal in Manchester.
Countrywide Environmental Services are a leading experts in asbestos removal in Manchester, with remediation capabilities working in a wide range of properties in the city. Markets include education, social housing, health and construction, industrial, retail and public sectors.
We ensure detailed risk assessments are completed prior to any notification working to maintain compliance. This is dependent on the nature and type of the asbestos containing material. We assist in working out any planning implications and offer alternatives to assist where necessary. AIB will differ to floor tiles which will differ to soffitts.
Experienced asbestos removal in Manchester team
Our highly experienced staff work in partially occupied premises as well as vacant premises providing compliance with current regulations are met.
Licensing documentation is addressed to protect clients, with due consideration to stakeholders. Construction environmental management plans for works under CDM are developed, environmental impacts, and site waste management plans underpin quality management plans. This ensures sufficient control measures are in place.
Pre-start meetings assist us to co-ordinate and align with any partner suppliers / contractors. This is important in working collaboratively.
Asbestos is removed in line with code of practice and the detailed method statement developed, based on the survey received adopting a cost effective approach to meet client need.
Waste disposed of in line with environmental legislative requirements with consignment notes provided for the waste producer.
Completed works are inspected/sampled and clearance issued as appropriate to the works for re-assurance to our client. For non-licensable projects, an internal ‘Certificate of re-occupation’ is issued as we work to protect reputation and provide peace of mind.
Other asbestos removal locations
- Asbestos removal in Liverpool
- Asbestos removal in Chester and Cheshire
- Asbestos removal in Wirral